Our Projects
With over 116 completed projects, SDS has a proven track record of success across multiple sectors. From feasibility studies to impact assessments, each project highlights our expertise and dedication to sustainable growth.
SDS-List of Project from CY 2012 to Date | |||||
Project Name | Name of Client | Government/ Private | Type of Service/s Rendered | Sector | Project Description |
Conduct of Baseline Survey for the Mindanao Inclusive Agriculture Development Project (MIADP) | Department of Agriculture, funded by the World Bank | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The baseline survey for the Mindanao Inclusive Development Project (MIADP) essentially covers two primary objectives: (1) to establish the baseline data for outcome indicators in the targeted sites; and (2) to document and analyze, among others, (i) the current state of key “aspects/parameters” of the various stakeholders that can facilitate project implementation; (ii) the capability of provincial, municipal and barangay local government units (LGUs), including the indigenous peoples organizations (IPOs) in planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of projects, and (iii) the gaps, challenges, and opportunities that can improve project implementation considering socio-cultural sensitivity of the indigenous peoples (IPs), the main beneficiaries of the project. The first objective focuses on the baseline values that can measure developmental change due to project interventions, while the latter objective zeroes in on institutions and governance that ensures adaptive management. Such comprehensive objectives require a structured framework, a relevant methodology and a sensitive approach.
A mixed methods of data collection will be employed with a target of 4,000 household interviews among farmers, fishers and livestock producers across the 10 Ancestral Domains in the 6 regions of Mindanao; conduct of focus group discussions and key informant interviews among IP organizations, implementers such as LGU, NCIP and DA-regional officers; and the IP community members; and the review and analysis of secondary data. SDS will design the study, pre-test instruments, hire and train field teams, conduct editing and data analysis; and prepare the baseline study report |
Social Acceptability Survey for the Possible Expansion of the Masbate Gold Project | Filminera Resources Corporation (FRC) and Philippine Gold Processing and Refining Corp. (PGPRC) | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | Filminera Resources Corporation has become one of the country’s largest operating gold ventures. Filminera is the mining operator in the Masbate Gold Project (MGP) located in Aroroy. The company holds mineral tenements located along a splay of the Pliocene Philippine Fault System, and the rights and applications to thousands of hectares. It sells the mined ore to Phil. Gold Processing & Refining Corporation. Filminera and PGPRC’s continue to push for an improved way of living in the host barangays of Aroroy and implement a Social Development and Management Program (SDMP). SMDP has a tremendous impact on local educational and health services, infrastructure and support systems, entrepreneurial development and marketing, and the protection and respect of social and cultural values in its impact barangays. To underscore, biodiversity, environmental protection, and safety are priorities for the MGP. As part of the MGP’s compliance with existing laws and the company's social responsibility, the conduct of a social acceptability survey has been part of the process to gauge stakeholders' and communities’ perceptions continuously, level of trust and confidence, identify issues and concerns; and consequently, craft a suitable and responsible plan to address the perceived issues and concerns. This round of social acceptability survey will involve household interviews in the communities of Ambolong, Bangon, and Talabaan; and the conduct of a qualitative study through key informant interviews and focus group discussions with local government officials; select community members, religious and environmental groups; approving institutions and other stakeholders that will be impacted for a possible expansion of the Masbate Gold Project |
Conduct of Social Formulation of Management Plan For Irrigation Water Resources (MPIWR) Of Sta. Lucia - Candon RIS R1-ISIMO-23-06-10l | National Irrigation Administration Region 01 | Government Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) prompted the need for rehabilitation, protection, and proper management of irrigation water sources. That comes up with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to support developing, protecting, and managing critical water sources. In line with this, NIA aims to assist in formulating management plans for the protection and rehabilitation of irrigation water sources in collaboration with DENR. The study shall identify the following: 1. Profile of the irrigation water source in terms of the current physical, biological, socio-economic, land classification, land cover of the target area, and other relevant information 2. Vulnerability which includes anthropogenic activities, flooding, erosion, water pollution, and ecological degradation: and 3. Priority areas needing immediate intervention including water quality, quantity, ongoing management plans, and programs that potentially affect the operation and integrity of the irrigation system |
Conduct of Social and Environmental Impact Assessment of Bayambang Pump Irrigation Project | National Irrigation Administration Region 01 | Government Contract | Social/Environment Impact Assessment | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The NIA Pangasinan Irrigation Management Office has proposed the Bayambang Pump Irrigation Project in support of the Government of the Philippines (GoP) objective of increasing rice production. According to the initial information gathered, the project is to have a service area of 2,070 hectares in Bayambang Pangasinan. Water from the Agno River is to be diverted via five (5) units of vertical mixed-flow pumps and appurtenant structures and facilities. The objectives of the consulting services are to provide technical services to prepare the project’s Social & Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) report which is the primary document required in securing the ECC. SDS Team Responsibilities: 1. Prepare the Social Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS: 2. Assistance in the ECC application and the subsequent review process of DENR on the submitted SEIS: 3. Assistance to the project proponent in the conduct of public consultation/community meetings: and 4. Coordination with the DENR until the issuance of an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the proposed project. |
Conduct of Detailed Engineering Study (DES) of Bayambang Pump Irrigation RI-PIMO-23-05-05 |
National Irrigation Administration Region 01 | Government Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The Bayambang Pump Irrigation Project (BPIP) in the province of Pangasinan supports the Government of the Philippines’ (GoP) goal of improving food security and increasing farm income by enhancing farm productivity. The project's focus on rice production is also expected to complement the Government’s Food Staples and Self-sufficiency Program (FSSP). The Detailed Engineering Study for the BPIP is a vital requirement to enable the implementation of the project. In this connection, the NIA Regional Office No. 1 has invited consultancy services to conduct a Detailed Engineering Study (DES) for the Bayambang Pump Irrigation Project (BPIP) in the province of Pangasinan. The scope of work comprises the following: a. Confirmatory survey of the existing topographic map of data and conduct of detailed mapping activities; b. Conduct geological and geotechnical investigation and exploration of foundation and construction material sources; c. Safety assessment of existing facilities, if any; d. Confirmation of the availability of water supply and demand operation simulation studies/ hydrological analysis; e. Confirmation of service area based on Feasibility Study (FS) - delineated land resources; f.. Development of plan/cost optimization; g. Detailed design of pump and its appurtenant structures: h. Tender document preparations; i. Project financial and economic analysis; and j. Draft Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual (for the Pumps). |
Training of Trainers (TOT) in Building the Capacities of Bagh Governors with the theme, “Strengthening the Capacities of Local Officials through Training for Transformation | National Academy of Governance- Ministry of Mongolia | Private Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The educational tour cum training is in response to NAOG’s request to have an exposure trip in the Philippines and learn from the country’s experiences in building the capacities of village chiefs. This initiative supports Mongolia’s plan to frame a training program for local officials at the primary level, known as the Bagh and Khoroos Governors (KG). The training participants included 12 (twelve) NAOG faculty members—four (4) male and eight (8) female. Dr. Tumentsogtoo Tumendemberel, Chairperson of the Academy's Department of Public Administration Chairperson, headed the delegation.
Before arrival in the Philippines, the participants were already grouped according to their topic assignment, including an English speaker to serve as a translator. The training discussed the Philippines’ experiences and best practices in developing capacity-building modules for local chief executives. Experts were invited to discuss the development of capacity-building programs and the value of people’s empowerment in community development |
Conduct of the Assessment of the Implementation of Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004 (RA 9262) | Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) under DILG | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The assessment examined how much the law has addressed violence against women. The study will focus on the third strategic plan (Strategic Plan 2017-2022), including contributions from local government units that will delve into how efficiently and effectively the commission handles the updated reports from agencies on the law's performance. This comprehensive study will examine the actions of duty bearers at the national, subnational, and local levels to identify accomplishments and obstacles in implementing future legislation enhancement proposals. The main data collection methodologies were thru FGD and key informant interviews |
Conduct of External Spot Check of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Operations (Spot Check 2022) | Department of Social Welfare and Development-4Ps | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a social protection program that aims to build the capacities of poor Filipino families to cross the poverty line thru human capital investment. The 4Ps Act, specifically Section 4, defines 4Ps as the national poverty reduction strategy and a human capital investment program that provides conditional cash transfer for a maximum of 7 years to poor households to improve the health, nutrition, and education aspect of their lives. 4Ps as the national poverty reduction strategy serves as the centerpiece social protection program in which the various poverty reduction programs of the different national government agencies converge. As a human capital investment program, the 4Ps provide cash grants to poor households so that the parents of poor families have an added means to keep sending their children to schools and health facilities so they may grow up healthy and educated.
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program’s goal is to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty by fostering the necessary behavior among parents to adequately perform their parental duties and responsibilities, particularly investing in the children’s future through education, health, and nutrition. Low school and high malnutrition rates are strongly associated with the poverty cycle in the Philippines. With the enactment of Republic Act 11310 or the 4Ps Act, there is now an expanded focus on health, education, and well-being to a sustainable path to financial independence |
Verification Services of Solar Home System (SHS) Installations by Electric Cooperatives under the Photovoltaic Mainstreaming (PVM) Component of the Access to Sustainable Energy Project (ASEP-Window 2 | National Power Corporation (NPC)- World Bank | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | 1. Designed an efficient Verification Plan with a Verification Checklist to minimize the failure of some SHS packages by reporting to the EC, the partner implementer for this project, and ECs in turn will rectify installations based on the list of recommended items that need to be fixed.
2. Reviewed all Installation Acceptance Sheets (IAS) and related documents confirming turnover of SHS from EC to Household with the approval of the EC installer. 3. Prepared Verification Tranche Report (VTR) and corresponding individual verification reports for review and approval by the NPC. 4. Physically verified 3,050 SHS installations comprising 10% of the allocated SHS installations through random sampling, and conducted a socio-economic and customer satisfaction survey among the beneficiaries/clients; and provide reports on: a) Proper installation of SHS packages that are functioning per the standards stated in the SHS Operational Manual and contractual obligations of the Subsidy Agreement with ECS; b) Report a list of recommendations for rectification by the EC; and c) Report the socio-economic profile and level of satisfaction of sampled member-consumers on the received SHS units and the way the SHS were installed. 5. Updated a cloud-based Project Monitoring Tool (PMT) daily with Individual Verification Reports (IVRs) and other reporting documentation. The VA shall submit a Verification Tranche Report (VTR) and once all IVRs for the respective tranche have been uploaded; a completion or Final Report will be submitted with the results of the socio-economic and satisfaction survey. Further, the Report also contained an assessment of adverse social or environmental impacts inflicted by the physical installations of the SHS packages, as per the World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF) for ASEP. Furthermore, the Report contained feedback on customer satisfaction with installations and SHS-related training provided, and inclusion of gender indicators, e.g., number of women beneficiaries, number of woman-headed household beneficiaries, and women’s preferences for light bulb location. |
Consulting Services for the 2nd Participatory Resource Assessment and Household End-Line Outcome Survey of the FishCORAL Project Area Covergae | Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The Fisheries, Coastal Resources and Livelihood Project (FishCORAL) is implemented by the Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) in partnership with local government units (LGUs), and communities, including special local committees/councils, private groups and organizations, in the coastal communities of the 11 target bays/gulfs in Regions V, VIII, XIII (CARAGA), and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). FishCORAL receives financial assistance from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and counterpart contributions from the national government, LGUs, and communities within the Project coverage area.
The overall goal of FishCORAL is to contribute to reduced poverty in target coastal communities of the 11 target bays/gulfs in the four regions cited above. This goal is expected to be achieved by building fishing communities' capacity to sustainably manage the fishery and coastal resources; and by ensuring sustainable engagement in diversified livelihood activities in the target coastal areas of four regions” . More than 180,000 poor households living in coastal areas of the target bays/gulfs are expected to benefit from the Project. As part of the Project closing activities, the National Project Support and Coordination Office (NPSCO) commissioned SDS for the conduct: (i) participatory resource assessment (PRA), and (ii) end-line household outcome survey (EOS). |
Spot Check 2020 of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Operations, Contract No. 2020-11-0077 | Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The regular conduct of Spot Check is aimed to provide information to the program management to: (i) make program design adjustment decisions, (ii) make implementation adjustment decisions, and (iii) modify and update policies and guidelines.
For the 16th round of spot check (Spot Check 2020), the following aspects of program implementation were given priority and special focus. It included, but not limited to, the following: (1) Service satisfaction with schools and health facilities; (2) Unconditional cash transfer; (3) Mainstreaming of MCCT beneficiaries; (4) Non-Moving accounts; (5) COVID-19 mitigation; (6) Unliquidated cash grants; and (7) SAP distribution and utilization. The DSWD commissioned Sustainable Development Solutions, Corp. (SDS) in December of last year to undertake Spot Check 2020 involving the conduct of 1,264 survey among 4Ps beneficiary households and about 160 key informant interviews in 16 barangays in eight (8) municipalities across four provinces representing NCR, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. |
Consultant for the Development of Regional Policy Framework to Foster Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas among the Peoples of ASEAN | The ASEAN Secretariat | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | |
TA-9971 REG: Southeast Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Facility- Phase II- Philippine Mindanao Irrigation Development Project | Asian Development Bank | Private Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The proposed Mindanao Irrigation Development Project aims to assist the Government of the Philippines to increase productivity and climate resilience of irrigated agriculture in Mindanao by (i) strengthening irrigation planning, design, and management capacities; (ii) developing efficient and climate resilient irrigation systems; and (iii) adopting climate-resilient irrigated farming practices.
The expected outcome of the Project is to improve the productivity and climate resilience of irrigated agriculture. The impact will be aligned with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) to enhance the economic opportunities and income of farmers. The Project will have three outputs: • Output 1: Irrigation planning, design, and management capacities strengthened; • Output 2: Efficient and climate-resilient irrigation systems developed; and • Output 3: Climate-resilient irrigated farming practices adopted. This Technical Assistance will identify, analyze and recommend a comprehensive program of activities and works to achieve the proposed Project Outputs; undertake the due diligence (i.e. technical, economic, financial, environmental, and social) of the proposed Project to meet ADB’s requirements; assist the Government to prepare documentation required during its National Economic Development Authority Investment Coordination Committee (NEDA-ICC) approval process; and prepare draft ADB Report and Recommendation of the President (RRP) and its linked documents |
National Survey on the Awareness of Private Firms on the Philippine Competition Act and the Philippine Competition Commission | Philippine Competition Commission | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Business/Trade/Commerce |
The national survey aims to ascertain the awareness of private firms on the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) and its mandate; and determine their level of involvement in PCC related activities. It is PCC’s command (R.A. 10667) to promote and protect competitive market; and the Philippine Competition Act aimed at safeguarding the well-being of the consumers and preserving the efficiency of competition in the marketplace. Hence, the results of the study will aid PCC in crafting and improving their advocacy strategies and help educate the private firms on the contribution of market competition in improving consumer welfare; enhancing market efficiency and innovation; and driving businesses to excel. The assignment included the conduct of face-to-face interviews amongst 1,400 personnel from the sampled small, medium, and large-sized enterprises or establishments. It covered various industrial classification such as the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector; and sectors from: mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities; construction; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport and storage; accommodation and food service activities; information and communication; financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities; education; human health and social work activities; arts, entertainment and recreation; and other service activities. Respondents are at least middle management of the sampled firms. |
Verification Agent for the Supply and Installation of Solar Home Systems, Window 1 | LGU Guarantee Corporation (LGUGC) | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | The objective of the assignment is to ensure the physical installation of SHS packages in the Households of project beneficiaries per the procedures contained in the ASEP LGUGC Operations Manual and contractual obligations in the Subsidy Agreement which the SICs should fulfill including required documentation. Attesting the outputs will entitle SICs to receive the subsidy payment from the WB.
• SDS was tasked to design and implement a verification system of the installed SHS units in the provinces covered by the four electric cooperatives. The system developed was a web-based one where verifiers used a survey application to document verification results and conduct socio-economic and satisfaction survey. Also, the verification schedule was dependent on the installation schedule. • Four teams consisting of four supervisors, data editors, 12 verifiers, and 12 interviewers were hired and deployed in the four covered electric cooperatives (EC), namely Cotabato Electric Cooperative (COTELCO); Davao del Sur Electric Cooperative (DASURECO); South Cotabato Electric Cooperative (SOCOTECO II); and Sultan Kudarat Electric Cooperative (SUKELCO). • A week of training was undertaken by the SDS team on installation, verification, the conduct of customer satisfaction and socio-economic survey, and data encoding amongst verifiers, EC personnel and installers. Verification undertaken involved the: • Physical inspection of the sampled installed SHS units of 580 units per EC using the approved metric system through a mobile or survey application; • Photo documentation of various components of the installation using the mobile device; • Conduct of a customer-satisfaction and socio-economic survey among 2,320 sampled households (10,000 beneficiaries) in the four ECs using translated version of survey instruments in various dialects; • Acquisition of GPS coordinates of all solar packages through the mobile application developed; • Data encoding and syncing of all photos and information gathered to a web-based server; and • Analyzing and integrating results to come up with verification reports containing findings and recommendations for the next phase or Window 2 of the project. |
2017 Stakeholder Satisfaction Evaluation of NDC's Overall Performance as an Investment Partner, Client and Lessor | National Development Company (NDC) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Institutional/ Organizational Development | The general objective of the NDC Stakeholder Satisfaction Evaluation was to obtain feedback and measure, using quantitative and qualitative information, the satisfaction of primary stakeholders of NDC on its performance as an investment partner, client and/or lessor.
The client satisfaction survey framework involves the use of a customer perception tool known as the SERVQUAL or RATER framework. SERVQUAL or RATER is a quality management framework developed in the mid-1980s by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry to measure quality in the service sector. The model is a multi-item scale that breaks down the notion of service quality into five dimensions which were derived from five years of qualitative and quantitative customer service quality research: Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy; and Responsiveness (RATER) (Parasuraman, Berry and Zeitham, 1988 and 1990). These five basic criteria are used by clients, consciously or subconsciously to assess satisfaction of a service. |
Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) Midterm Evaluation | Department of Agroculture- World Bank | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | |
Data Collection for the Formative Evaluation of the PGH-UNICEF 7th Country Programme 2012-2018 | Goss Gilroy Inc. (GGI) of Canada | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The engagement is a formative evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability of UNICEF’s CP7 in the Philippines. It has been commissioned by the UNICEF Country Office in the Philippines. The main purpose of this independent evaluation is to support learning and accountability related to CP7 as it was implemented from 2012 to 2016. It will prospectively identify what strategic approaches, programmatic components and intervention modalities can help UNICEF better position itself in the Philippines, stay relevant in a fast-changing national development context, and support the GoPH in achieving the SDG agenda. Overall the purpose of the evaluation is to provide evidence-based findings and recommendations that can feed into the development of the 8th Country Programme 2019-2024. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Collected data thru key informant interviews at the municipal, provincial and regional level: 2. Moderated and documented focus group discussions at the community level amongst key implementers: 2. Conducted interviews amongst partner civil society organizations (CSOs): 3. Data entry of study results: and 4. Assist consultants of GGI in the development of questionnaires; analysis and writing the evaluation report. |
Consulting Services for the Preparation and Implementation of a Stakeholder Satisfaction Evaluation of NDC’s Overall Performance as an Investment Partner, Client, and Lessor | National Development Company (NDC) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Institutional/ Organizational Development | The general objective of the NDC Stakeholder Satisfaction Evaluation is to get feedback and measure, using quantitative and qualitative information, the satisfaction of primary stakeholders of NDC on its performance as an investment partner, client and/or lessor. The client satisfaction survey framework involves the use of a customer perception tool known as the SERVQUAL or RATER framework. SERVQUAL or RATER is a quality management framework developed in the mid-1980s by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry to measure quality in the service sector. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed survey proposal and schedule; 2. Conduct of key informant interviews. Data gathered for the survey include perceptions of active clients/partners of NDC related to the quality of service; and 3. Performed analysis of results and submission of the Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS) report |
Conduct of the Client Satisfaction Survey for the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) | Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Institutional/ Organizational Development | The mandate of the Philippine Retirement Authority to attract foreign nationals and former Filipino citizens to invest, reside and retire in the Philippines with the end view of accelerating the socio-economic development of the country, contributing to the foreign reserve of the economy and by providing them the best quality of life in the most attractive package. it shall be a primary concern of the PRA to make the Philippines a leading and significant destination for the world’s retirees, seniors and elderly and to develop PRA’s capabilities and to enable and empower all segments of the government and private sectors relevant to the Philippine migration agenda. As a retirement agency with the mentioned vision and mission, it upholds the values of service excellence, innovation, team work, integrity, discipline, good governance and social responsibility. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Assessed the level of satisfaction experienced overall, as well as of key components in the delivery of public services under PRA’s service charter delivered to foreign retiree-members 2. Outlined client expectations and provide examples of where service delivery standards could be aligned to clientele’ needs to promote customer satisfaction 3. Documented perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the equitable delivery of services, benefits and packages that will support effectiveness and sustainability of the service charter; 4. Gather information from clients on needs they have which the services, benefits and packages being offered does not adequately address; and from therein, provide short and long-term recommendations; 5. Reviewed, analyzed, and determined gaps on the current communication channels between PRA and its clients; 6. Determine performance gaps and prioritize specific areas where services can be improved; and 7. rovide tools that could be standardized, and baseline information for future service satisfaction surveys of the PRA. |
Conduct of the ASEAN Regional Program for Capacity Development to Enhance Accountability of Local Governments in Delivering Social Protection Programs through Community-Driven Development (CDD) | National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) | Government Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The “Conduct of the ASEAN Regional Program for Capacity Development to Enhance Accountability of Local Governments in Delivering Social Protection Programs through Community-Driven Development (CDD)” is one of the five projects comprising the social protection and safety nets components of RFAP, and one of the two assigned to the Philippines to spearhead implementation through the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC). Designed for a 12-month regional operation, with funding support from Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund, the project aims to achieve three objectives, namely: 1. To create a platform for the promotion of CDD social protection programs in the ASEAN; 2. To lay the basic requirements for the start of CDD social protection programs in participating ASEAN countries; and 3. To train key trainers of the participating ASEAN countries. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1.Finalized capacity development framework, country assessment approach; training framework and approach, operational and logistics plan; and work plan; plan for the conduct of study visits and ASEAN workshop; communication plan; procurement plan; and plan for organizing central office and coordination scheme; 2.Firmed up logistics needed for the week-long country assessment workshop, two-week-long study visits, and training and procure equipment, kits, and necessary supplies. 3.Collected, reviewed, and assessed existing policy and institutional environment for CDD of the 10 ASEAN countries, and conducted interviews for the identified good practices in CDD in Indonesia and KALAHI-CIDSS, DSWD of the Philippines; 4. Conducted ASEAN workshop on social protection programs to share country experiences and best practices; documented, presented, and validated draft country assessment results; 5. Conducted training needs analysis; and based on the country assessment results; develop a training plan on CDD for LGUs; 6. Developed Training of Trainers (ToT) Manual; 7. Conducted two batches of Training of Trainers on CDD in the Philippines and Indonesia; 8. Conducted a week-long of study visits in Indonesia and the Philippines; 9. Prepared a CDD manual based on the workshops, study visit results through print (coffee table book) and videos; and sharing of best practices; and 10 Presented progress and project results to ministerial dialogues in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. |
Conduct of Feasibility Study for the Matuno River Development Project at Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya | National Irrigation Administration (NIA) -Regional Office 2 | Government Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | Matuno River Development Project (MRDP) was conceptualized by NIA Region 02 in its desire to increase the irrigation development rate in the region and thereby increase rice production, which, in turn, will increase self-sufficiency rate in rice. It is supportive of the Government’s goal of improving food security and increasing rural income by enhancing farm productivity. It is one of the major irrigation development projects of NIA-R02 under the 10-Year Irrigation Development Plan of the province of Nueva Vizcaya. The Feasibility Study shall: 1. Cover the technical, economic and financial aspects of the proposed irrigation, including environmental study, vulnerability assessment, preparation of sustainability plans, and analysis of alternative financing scheme; and 2. Undertake Value Engineering/Value Analysis (VE/VA) with regards to the selection of the best possible implementation/project options/configurations to ensure that the best scheme for providing the project's intended outputs will be selected. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Macro-level assessment of existing situation in the project area: 2. Undertook necessary feasibility level studies, institutional analysis, Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA), resettlement considerations, design and monitoring framework, Value Engineering/Value Analysis (VE/VA) study, vulnerability assessment, hazard and risk assessment, identification and assessment of borrow/quarry areas, and preliminary engineering designs necessary in conjunction with beneficiaries and other stakeholders to establish the economic, financial, technical, etc., viability of investment. and 3. Prepare feasibility level outputs: |
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Real Assets through Improved Skills and Education for Adolescent Girls in the Philippines (RAISE) Project | Technical Assistance to NGOs (TANGO) | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Education | Dubai Cares launched the Real Assets through Improved Skills and Education for Adolescent Girls or RAISE Project in October 2014 to help marginalized children in two of the Philippines’ poorest provinces, Masbate, and Northern Samar, to attend and finish school. RAISE directly affected nearly 11,000 pupils. Seventy per cent are girls between the ages of 10 and 19 from 32 farming and fishing villages. Nearly 4,000 parents and teachers in eight municipalities across the two provinces participated in the project. The programme’s primary focus addressed basic barriers preventing children from attending and continuing school. Through RAISE, children were provided family planning guidance and grants that helped cover the costs of transport, school supplies, food or any other financial burden identified as a barrier to their education. RAISE project mid-term evaluation had two primary objectives: 1. Provide an accurate reflection of the current program’s progress, based upon the program stated outputs and outcomes. 2.Evaluate the programs coordination mechanisms, identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement to increase the program’s effectiveness. |
Dual Training Systems (DTS) Impact Evaluation Survey | The World Bank-Washington D.C. | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Education | the Dual Training System (DTS) under TESDA’s enterprise-based program wherein instructional mode of technology delivery and training take place at the school/training center and at the workplace. DTS’ beneficiaries are students, companies, training institutions, industry associations, LGUs, NGOs, parents, and teachers. Aside from quality training and employability after training, the advantages of the DTS are the development of workers according to the company’s requisites; participating companies save on production cost through tax incentives; and it also benefit schools since the program is responsive to industries’ needs and it will provide better employment opportunities for their graduates. The impact evaluation assessed the outcomes of DTS on skill formation and labor market by conducting a tracking survey to interview former trainees from both the DTS and regular programs, through a close collaboration with researchers in the Korean Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management (KDI). And in order to meet the mentioned study objectives, data collected focused on: 1. individual-level information on the former trainee’s family and social background, schooling history, experience in the training institution and DTS implementing company, work history, mobility, current household, anthropometry, as well as health conditions: and 2. Information on the training institutions’ cost structures and other important aspects. |
Mid-Term Performance Evaluation to Assess the Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries (ECOFISH) Project | USAID/Philippines | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | The mid‐term performance evaluation made use of the results chains representing the Theory of Change (TOC) for ECOFISH project’s key strategies. The evaluation objectives were: 1. To investigate the evaluability of the evaluation questions relating to the final outcomes of the ECOFISH project by determining if these are empirically feasible and practically oriented. 2. To document the implementation progress of the ECOFISH project in terms of achieving its key results, and analyse the factors and conditions that enhance or diminish the achievement of these results; and, 3. To analyse the main challenges in implementing the relevant strategies, and the extent to which the project was able to address these challenges SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Finalization of the detailed approach, methodology/strategy and hypothesis for the conduct of the components of the performance evaluation; 2. Listing, acquisition and review of secondary data; 3. Finalization of the work and operational plan: 4. Hiring, deployment and orientation/briefing of field team members/researchers; 5. Data collection in the 4 MKBAs, validation biophysical assessment; conduct of FGD and KII; and review of additional secondary data; and 6. Performed data analysis and preparation of the detailed first draft of the evaluation report |
Conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation of DA'a Farm-to-Market Road Projects | Department of Agriculture (DA) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | Farm-to-market roads (FMRs) serve as an integral part of our country’s road transport infrastructure. It is one of the logistical factors vital in the transport of agricultural goods and services, as highlighted in the Chapter on Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016. It contributes towards promoting economic growth by ensuring easier access of local communities to basic social and market facilities. The provision of linkages and connectivity to far-flung communities and isolated rural areas also helps increase incomes and generate jobs; thus, helping alleviate poverty and promote inclusive growth. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Finalized operational, staffing and supervision plan for geomapping and M&E: 2. Developed, demonstrated, pilot tested and submitted a web-based M&E system for FMR projects with M&E tool.: 3. Developed the • The web-based M&E system: 4. Hired and deployed 16 field teams composed of field supervisors, geo mappers, and interviewers; 5. Monitored and geotagged 6,802 FMR projects implemented by DA from 2010-2013; 7. Conducted interviews amongst road users and key implementers in the 6,802 covered FMR projects nationwide: 8. Updated Road Network Plan and FMR Status Report: and 9. Developed an agricultural logistics guidebook with updated policies and development strategies. |
Final Performance Evaluation USAID/Philippines' Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations in the Philippines | USAID/Philippines | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The CSO Project was designed in response to USAID Forward’s Implementation and Procurement Reform (IPR) - Objective No. 2 which aims “to strengthen local civil society and private sector capacity to improve aid effectiveness and sustainability, by working closely with implementing partners on capacity development and local grant and contract allocations”. Under the IPR, USAID has committed to build more local capacity in civil society to enable it to work with a broader range of development partners. In the Philippines’ context, USAID/Philippines, being the pilot mission for Objective 2, used its two decades of working with local civil society organizations (CSOs) in diverse development themes (i.e., delivery of basic services, participation in policy making processes, and allocation and management of grant funds for other CSOs) to design and implement the CSO Project, with capacity development in core organizational management competencies as the primary motivation. The Final Performance Evaluation is set to determine the extent and process by which the Project achieved the project targets and how each of the components of the Project contributed to the achievement of such targets. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Developed evaluation design, methodology (gender-sensitive data collection instruments and method of general evaluation analysis; 2. Conducted data collection thru key informant interviews, focus group discussions amongst key stakeholders; and review of relevant secondary data; and 3. Performed analysis of data gathered and presentation of evaluation results. |
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Client Satisfaction Survey Under ITB No. 023-14 | Department of Agriculture (DA) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The general objective the client satisfaction survey is to obtain feedback from clientele on DA’s provision of good and services. The client satisfaction survey: 1. Assessed the level of satisfaction experienced overall, as well as of key components in the delivery of goods and public services under DA’s Technical and Support Services (TSS) 2. Outlined client expectations and provide examples of where goods and service delivery standards could be aligned to clientele’ needs; 3.Documented perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the equitable delivery of goods and services; 4.Gathered information from clients on needs they have which the service does not adequately address; 5. Prioritized specific areas where services can be improved; and 6 .Provided tools that could be standardized, and baseline information for future service satisfaction surveys of the Department of Agriculture |
Data Collection for PIDS’ Impact Evaluation of the DepED’s School-based Feeding Program (SBFP) and its Complementary Activities | Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Education | The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Health and Nutrition Center (HNC) has been implementing School-based Feeding Program (SBFP) since 2010 to address the under nutrition problem and short-term hunger among public school children. The SBFP targets severely wasted children in Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 6 enrolled in public schools as beneficiaries. The impact evaluation seeks to (a) assess the outcomes and impact of the SBFP in terms of its stated education and nutrition objectives; (b) gauge the outcomes of two complementary activities – the GPP and the EHCP – as these relate to the nutrition and health objectives as well as sustainability of SBFP; and (c) identify changes needed, if any, to improve the design and management of the program.. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Reviewed survey instruments, finalized operation plan and field schedule, designed and developed survey procedures, data entry system and coding manual: 2. Pre-tested data gathering instruments for construct validity and reliability, pilot-tested the field manual and data entry programs, and revised study instruments and operations plan, and data entry system based on the pilot test results: 3. Employed 135 supervisors and enumerators; trained field teams; prepared logistical and admin requirements; and secured permits and list of pupils from sampled schools: 4. Translated questionnaires in five (5) vernacular languages: Ilocano, Bicol, Tagalog, Ilonggo and Bisayan; 5. Developed and designed show cards and shuffle cards which facilitated the conduct of interviews; 6. Managed the data collection which included the face to face interviews of 1,200 SBFP pupils; 1,200 parents and teachers of the sampled SBFP pupils; 1,200 non-SBFP pupils; 7. Performed two level data entry, field and central office data encoding; and 8. Submitted required data tables for the analysis of impact assessment. |
Evaluation of Department for International Development (DFID)'s Humanitarian Response to Typhoon Haiyan (November 2013) | ITAD Ltd (United Kingdom) | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) was one of the strongest recorded typhoons to make landfall with sustained wind speeds of 250 km/hour and gusts of over 315 km/hour. The typhoon generated a global humanitarian response, where UN declared a L3 emergency activating the 2011 Transformative Agenda protocols, a set of parameters for improved collective action in humanitarian emergencies. The three evaluation objectives are to review: 1. The extent to which DFID’s response was effective in providing life-saving assistance and basic protection of affected populations, and to identify lessons for future rapid responses; this includes questions of value for money 2. The extent to which the overall humanitarian response was effective, particularly in the early stages of the response – this addresses primarily lesson learning relating to the Transformative Agenda and its application to other humanitarian contexts 3. The extent to which DFID and its partners were accountable to affected populations and how DFID and partners can improve performance and share lessons learned and best practice (in line with value for money and the effectiveness and impact of aid) |
Conduct of Client Satisfaction Survey via Key Informant Interviews (KII) for Eigth Respondent Companies (All Active NDC Investment Partners/ Clients and Projects Development) | National Development Company (NDC) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Institutional/ Organizational Development | The survey assessed the quality of NDC performance as an investment partner in accordance with NDC’s performance agreement with the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) and in compliance with the requirements of the Performance Governance System and ISO 9001 certification; and assessed the accessibility of NDC funds. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed survey proposal and schedule; 2. Conduct of key informant interviews. Data gathered for the survey include perceptions of active clients/partners of NDC related to the quality of service, adopting dimensions in the SERVQUAL model, namely: Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Efficiency and Responsiveness; and 3. Performed analysis of results and submission of Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS) report |
Project Completion Evaluation and Assessment (PCEA) of Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Supported Activities and Investment | Second Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP 2) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | Natural Resources Management (NRM) is one of the four components of the MRDP 2 which received a grant assistance supported by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). The NRM component’s activities which address agricultural and fisheries productivity are pursued with a global environment objective of conserving critical coastal and marine biodiversity in 11 sites supported by sustainable land management in linked upland areas. The NRM component has the following five (5) subcomponents: 1. NRM Participatory Community Planning and Development 2. Selective on-the-ground Investments on Coastal Marine and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices 3. Assistance to the Development of Sustainable Income Generating Activities 4. Local Policy Development and Strengthened Partnerships in Community Enforcement 5. Development and Conduct of NRM-Oriented Knowledge Management Program SDS’ PCEA team: 1. Ground validation, on-the-ground surveys, and assessment of mangrove and upland rehabilitation projects in the 11 project sites - Geotagging or geomapping 2. Coastal site inspection through Fish Visual Census and Coral reef-LIT Test. 3. Qualitative study: and 4. Secondary data collection and review. |
Detailed Design and Construction Supervision for National Irrigation Sector Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (NISRIP), JICA | National Irrigation Administration (NIA) - Japan International Cooerative (JICA) | Government Contract | Detailed Engineering Study/Design | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The project covers 11 irrigation facilities in 10 provinces that, once rehabilitated and improved, will allow farmers to harvest twice a year. The 11 irrigation systems covered by the project are Malatgao River Irrigation System (RIS) in Palawan, Madongan and Solsona RIS (Ilocos Norte), San Fabian RIS (Pangasinan), Porac-Gumain RIS (Pampanga), Dumacaa RIS (Quezon), Sta. Barbara RIS (Iloilo), Muleta RIS (Bukidnon), Mal RIS (Davao del Sur), Lambayong RIS (Maguindanao-Sultan Kudarat), and Simulao RIS (Agusan del Sur). SDS Team Actual Services provided: • Collected and reviewed existing data, baseline information and documents related to institutional development; agricultural practices and farming conditions in target areas • Reviewed and assisted the PMO in revising/updating, if necessary, the Implementation Manual for Institutional Development including IMT Guidelines prepared by NIA/PMO; • Reviewed the results of baseline survey and profiling of IAs conducted by NIA/PMO; • Reviewed and recommended necessary revisions to the Training Program/Modules including IMT Implementation Program for NIA staff and IAs; • Reviewed/modified existing monitoring assessment system and tools for institutional development component; • Conducted Institutional Development training for target NIS Offices; • Conducted training for IAs and FIAs, formation of IA federations; preparing of IMT contract documents and other activities related to institutional development; • Implemented the IMT program in each NIS and preparing progress reports; • Reviewed and assisted PMO in finalizing the IA selection and sites for the IA offices and support facilities to be recommended by PhilRice; |
Final Performance Evaluation Study of the USAID-Philippines’ Alliance for Mindanao Off-Grid Renewable Energy (AMORE) 3 Program | USAID/Philippines | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | The Final Performance Evaluation determined the extent and process by which the AMORE 3 Program achieved its targets and how it contributed to peace and development initiatives in Mindanao, through the provision of electrification and related social services to disadvantaged communities in conflict-affected and post-conflict areas. The evaluation documented and analysed the experiences of AMORE 3 to serve as a reference for future rural electrification projects to be pursued by USAID in other countries, by the Government of the Philippines (specifically DOE), or by partner organizations such as Sunpower Foundation. SDS’ team utilized qualitative and quantitative methods to obtain the data or information necessary to evaluate the program; and documented good practices and lessons learned. In details, data collection that were carried out were: 1. Quantitative method- household survey (HHS) was the primary data collection method that was used to describe beneficiaries’ conditions before and after the AMORE 3 program. A total of 846 respondents: 2. Desk review of various sources of information : and 3. Qualitative methods. A total of 19 Focus group discussions were completed. |
Consulting Services for the Preparation and Implementation of Customer Satisfaction Evaluation via Interviews and Individual Consultation with Active NDC Investment Partners/Clients | National Development Company (NDC) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Institutional/ Organizational Development | The survey assessed the quality of NDC performance as an investment partner in accordance with NDC’s performance agreement with the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) and in compliance with the requirements of the Performance Governance System and ISO 9001 certification; and assessed the accessibility of NDC funds.. SDS consultant: • Designed survey proposal and schedule; • Conduct of key informant interviews. Data gathered for the survey include perceptions of active clients/partners of NDC related to the quality of service; and • Performed analysis of results and submission of the Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS) report |
Chicken and Swine Producers’ Baseline Survey | Department of Agriculture (DA) | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | Government interventions, through the Department of Agriculture’s National Livestock Program (NLP), for the past years focused on enhancing incomes and profitability and improve competitiveness for the livestock and poultry subsectors, especially for the small players. The end goal of the NLP 2011-2016 is to increase swine and chicken production from 1.898 million metric ton (MMT) and 1.353 MMT to 2.159 MMT and 1.765 MMT, respectively. Likewise the program seeks to improve the net profit-cost ratio from 0.11 and 0.286 to 0.15 and 0.288 for swine and chicken industries, respectively. With the advent of the new Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 and the crafting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan 2011-2017, it is opportune time to conduct a swine and chicken baseline survey. The baseline survey will assess the status of swine and chicken producers, especially the small players, in order for the Department to eventually evaluate the impact of the National Livestock Program interventions in the medium term. What is more important is to have better policy and program interventions that will improve the service to the local swine and chicken producers. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Swine and Chicken Producers survey (SCPS); 2. Focus Group Discussion (FGD); 3. Key Informant Interview (KII); and 4. 4) secondary data gathering (SDG). |
Transaction Advisory Services for the Operation and Maintainance of Iloilo, Davao and Bacolod Airport Project | Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Ltd. | Private Contract | Social/Environment Impact Assessment | Rural Insfrastructure/Transport | The Iloilo, Davao, and Bacolod Airports are currently being operated by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). The Government is planning to transfer the Operations and Maintenance of these 3 airports to the Private Sector and is expecting to provide the following; a) increased operating efficiency; b) Increased networking and marketing c) Improved net financial benefits to the government; and d) Improved customer amenities. The main objectives of the consultancy services are to determine the viability or non-viability of the O&M of the Iloilo, Davao, and Bacolod Airports as a PPP under the BOT Law and Should the Project be viable for PPP implementation, prepare bid/tender documents and provide advisory support to the DOTC during the bidding process until financial close. SDS Team Actual Services provided: Provided inputs in the execution of the Project as a Local Technical Partner throughout the Contract. The detailed tasks performed under the assignments were; a) Provided inputs in the development of the Business Case/O&M Study, and Project Structuring; b) Provided inputs in the PPP Options Development and c) Assisted Deloitte International consultants in the management of the PPP bidding process, and preparation of Contractual Documentation. |
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) of Balbalungao Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (UPRIIS-2013-07-NC) | National Irrigation Administration (NIA) - Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation Systems (UPRIIS) Cabanatuan City | Government Contract | Social/Environment Impact Assessment | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The proposed Balbalungao Small Reservoir Irrigation Project (SRIP) aims to provide sustainable development in rural areas by improving agricultural productivity in support of the agricultural development program of the government. Its specific objectives are: a. To increase agricultural production through the provision and improvement of irrigation and drainage structures in the area: and b. To increase farmers’ income and uplift the standard of living. The Balbalungao SRIP shall utilize the water resources potential of the Balbalungao River through the construction of an embankment dam with a height of 27.0 meters (m), canal network and pertinent structures, and the rehabilitation of the existing diversion dam of San Isidro Communal Irrigation System (CIS), envisioned to eventually function as regulating dam. Initial environmental and social impact assessment for the project has identified the potentially significant environmental impacts, the appropriate mitigation measures, and key pointers for succeeding steps towards the processing of an application for an Environmental Compliance Certificate. |
Market Based Agri-technology and Agri-Extension Services of the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) Progress and Process Monitoring for Region1 | Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Region 1 | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agrarian Reform | ARCCESS Project is envisioned to improve the economic well-being of men and women in agrarian reform areas through improved performance of ARBOs in managing enterprises. These would be attained through increased knowledge and skills of ARBOs in agricultural technologies and enterprise development and enhanced ARBO capacities to engage the market. Outputs consist of relevant trainings, ARBO plans, provision of manuals, and development of monitoring and evaluation plans including tools, reports, and databases. Inputs consist of the provision of CSFs, agri-technologies and agri-extension services, training and mentoring programs for CBEOs, and conduct of M & E. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Monitored the progress and process of support service delivery to ARBOs: 2. Monitored project performance in terms of cost-effectiveness of results, relevance of results, sustainability of results, the partnership approach, appropriateness of the design, appropriateness of utilization, and informed and timely action;: 3. Identified lessons learned, good practices, and any particular challenges in the implementation of the project; and 4. Provided recommendations for successful ARCCESS implementation for expansion/replication/scaling up/future programming of the DAR and other government agencies on rural enterprise development and ARB capacity development. |
Conduct of Philippine Rural Development Program (PRDP) Baseline Survey | Department of Agriculture | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | PRDP aims to increase rural incomes, and enhance farm and fishery productivity by promoting a more inclusive rural development; supporting changes in the planning, resource programming and implementation practices of DA; and by financing local investment and strategic network of infrastructures. The PRDP involves the implementation of four components, namely: 1. Component 1: Investment for AFMP Planning at the Local and National Levels (I-PLAN) –involves refining, harmonizing, and mainstreaming AFMP planning at the national and local levels. 2. Component 2: Intensified Build-up of Infrastructure and Logistics for Development (I-BUILD): 3. Component 3: Investment for Rural Enterprises and Agri-Fishery Productivity (I-REAP): and 4. Component 4: Support to Program Implementation (I-SUPPORT) SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Stratified Random Sampling Survey: 2. Development of a database of survey results" 3. Collected and reviewed secondary: and 4. Carried out qualitative study that gathered qualitative data through focus group discussions (FGD) and key informants interviews (KII). A total of 24 FGD sessions were conducted, one at the DA central office (CO) level and 15 at the regional field office (RFO) level, and eight (8) at the community level. |
USAID Blanket PurchaseAgreement (BPA) for Technical Resources Support (Tres Project) for the period of May 28, 2013 to May 27, 2018 | |||||
Market – Oriented Agri-Technology and Agri-Extension Services for Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) Project for Region 4A – CAVITE (Lot 4A-AES-B) | Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) - Region 4A | Government Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Agrarian Reform | ARCCESS project provides common service facilities (CSF) or farm equipment, machineries, and implements to ARB organizations. The ARCCESS project, and in particular the CSF, will be provided to ARB organizations that are willing and ready to pay user fees for the CSF so these become their business asset. The key service requirements are: the provision of knowledge and skills, the development of the Farm Production and Common Service Facility Management Plans (FPMP and CSFMP), and the delivery of tools and materials on technology and extension. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed, conducted, and documented training and coaching activities: 2. Sustainability-oriented training and coaching interventions and strategies that guaranty effective technology transfer; 3. Provision of seasoned experts, resource persons, and other staff who are keen on this type of service; 4. Development, application, and documentation of training design, modules, manuals, strategies, and tools for evaluation and feedback; and 5. Documented and prepared reports for trainings, consultation, and coaching sessions as well as periodic and terminal reports. |
Market Based Agri-technology and Agri-Extension Services of the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) for Palawan | Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Region 4B-Palawan | Government Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Agrarian Reform | ARCCESS project provides common service facilities (CSF) or farm equipment, machineries, and implements to ARB organizations. The ARCCESS project, and in particular the CSF, will be provided to ARB organizations that are willing and ready to pay user fees for the CSF so these become their business asset. The key service requirements are: the provision of knowledge and skills, the development of the Farm Production and Common Service Facility Management Plans (FPMP and CSFMP), and the delivery of tools and materials on technology and extension. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed, conducted, and documented training and coaching activities: 2. Sustainability-oriented training and coaching interventions and strategies that guaranty effective technology transfer; 3. Provision of seasoned experts, resource persons, and other staff who are keen on this type of service; 4. Development, application, and documentation of training design, modules, manuals, strategies, and tools for evaluation and feedback; and 5. Documented and prepared reports for trainings, consultation, and coaching sessions as well as periodic and terminal reports. |
Market Based Agri-technology and Agri-Extension Services of the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) for Marinduque and Romblon | Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Region 4B - Marinduque and Romblon | Government Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Agrarian Reform | ARCCESS project provides common service facilities (CSF) or farm equipment, machineries, and implements to ARB organizations. The ARCCESS project, and in particular the CSF, will be provided to ARB organizations that are willing and ready to pay user fees for the CSF so these become their business asset.
The key service requirements are: the provision of knowledge and skills, the development of the Farm Production and Common Service Facility Management Plans (FPMP and CSFMP), and the delivery of tools and materials on technology and extension. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed, conducted, and documented training and coaching activities: 2. Sustainability-oriented training and coaching interventions and strategies that guaranty effective technology transfer; 3. Provision of seasoned experts, resource persons, and other staff who are keen on this type of service; 4. Development, application, and documentation of training design, modules, manuals, strategies, and tools for evaluation and feedback; and 5. Documented and prepared reports for trainings, consultation, and coaching sessions as well as periodic and terminal reports. |
Market – Oriented Agri-Technology and Agri-Extension Services for the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) Project for MINDORO |
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Region 4B - Mindoro | Government Contract | Training/Capacity Building | Agrarian Reform | ARCCESS project provides common service facilities (CSF) or farm equipment, machineries, and implements to ARB organizations. The ARCCESS project, and in particular the CSF, will be provided to ARB organizations that are willing and ready to pay user fees for the CSF so these become their business asset. The key service requirements are: the provision of knowledge and skills, the development of the Farm Production and Common Service Facility Management Plans (FPMP and CSFMP), and the delivery of tools and materials on technology and extension. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Designed, conducted, and documented training and coaching activities: 2. Sustainability-oriented training and coaching interventions and strategies that guaranty effective technology transfer; 3. Provision of seasoned experts, resource persons, and other staff who are keen on this type of service; 4. Development, application, and documentation of training design, modules, manuals, strategies, and tools for evaluation and feedback; and 5. Documented and prepared reports for trainings, consultation, and coaching sessions as well as periodic and terminal reports. |
Consulting Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering for the Proposed Marikit Irrigation Project | National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Regon 3 | Government Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The Marikit Irrigation Project is a small-scale irrigation project proposed by the UPRIIS Dam and Reservoir Division (DRD). Located at Marikit, Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, the source of irrigation water is the Digoliat River, one of the main tributaries of Pantabangan Dam. A diversion weir will be constructed to divert water to irrigate around 280 hectares of rice lands and to benefit 300 farmers more or less. The target irrigation service areas have moderate slopes ranging from elevation of 230 to 300 masl. Envisioned to contribute to increased rice production in the province of Nueva Ecija, the project involves construction of diversion weir, conveyance canals and appurtenant structures. The full realization of the project requires a Feasibility Study to establish its technical and economic feasibility and social acceptability as well as its environmental acceptability. Once approved, the project shall require detailed engineering plans that would be basis for construction/implementation. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Prepared the feasibility study that integrates the environmental impact assessment of the project and the proposed mitigation or enhancement/sustainability measures: and 2. Prepared the detailed plans/designs of structures and facilities that would be basis for construction: and 3. Recommended cropping calendar and pattern, environmental, social and institutional measures serve part of the final output of the technical assistance, as well as the processing of the ECC application. |
Final Performance Evaluation of USAID/Philippines' Microenterprise Access to Banking Services Program-4 | The United States Agency for International Development/Philippines (USAID/P) | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Business/Trade/Commerce | MABS-4 of this program commenced in May 1, 2008 with the main objective of ensuring the continued and expanded availability of bank-provided financial services to the micro entrepreneurs and resource-poor segment of the population. This phase assisted in expanding the range of services that Rural Banks (RBs) can profitably provide to their microenterprise clientele. MABS-4 ended in September 2012 and USAID and the GPH decided to gauge the results (outputs and outcomes) of MABS-4 by commissioning Sustainable Development Solutions (SDS) to conduct the Final Performance Evaluation. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Conducted desk review of various sources of information from MABS-4 and Philippine government that included contracts; quarterly and annual reports; work plans; M&E plans; final report of MABS-4; CHEMONICS International MABS-4 reports and publications; program videos; USAID Gender Policy; amongst others; 2. Conducted FGDs: 3. Conducted KII with various stakeholders; and 4. Analyzed data and presented evaluation results to stakeholders. |
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Impact Evaluation on Irrigation Development under ITB-041-12 | Department of Agriculture | Government Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Agriculture/Fisheries/LivestockProduction/Forestry | The objective of the impact study is to assess the over-all aggregated and disaggregated impact of the country’s irrigation development with emphasis on the agronomic, hydrologic, engineering, ecological sustainability and environmental safety including watershed management and agro-socio-economic aspects of existing irrigation systems as mandated in the AFMA-IRR Chapter 4, Section 36, Rule 36.2. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Reviewed relevant plans, existing policies, baseline information, status of irrigation and trends on various modes of irrigation.: 2. Inventory of existing irrigation systems (public and private) including geotagging of all existing irrigation systems nationwide: 3. Conceptualization and formulation of evaluation design and instruments which included house survey, conduct of Focus group discussions; and interviews of key informants: and 4. Collection of data, processing and analysis |
Quantitative Baseline Study for Kalahi-CIDSS | Millennium Challenge Account-Philippines | International Funding Agency | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The study team carried out the following tasks: • Designed, implemented, and managed the survey of 5,940 households in 198 municipalities (30 households per barangay per municipality) and 198 barangay surveys of which respondents were barangay officials; • Developed operational, recruitment, and supervision plan; • Managed the procurement of data entry equipment (server, computer desktops, 30 laptops for field use) and GPS units (32 units); and setting up of data management office in Ortigas, Manila; North and South Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao; • Developed and maintained a database -a data entry and coding programs that were used for the field and Central offices’ (double entry) entry of questionnaire data; • Conducted field pilot test in Quezon province which served as the basis for the revision and finalization of the survey instruments, data entry, and coding program; and procedures; • Translated questionnaires in seven (7) dialects- Tagalog, Ilocano, Bicolano, Waray, Ilonggo, Hiligaynon, and Cebuano; • Hired 27 field survey teams that were deployed in the 26 covered provinces in 198 municipalities. Survey teams composed of 27 field supervisors; 189 field interviewers; 31 field data editors, 15 central office editors, and 10 data assistants; • Designed, managed, and conducted a 13-day centralized training for 300 field survey team members composed of supervisors, editors, and interviewers in Iloilo; • Obtained research permits from the 198 municipalities and paid courtesy calls with the various local government officials, people’s organizations; and relevant stakeholders and community leaders; • Obtained GPS coordinates of the location of the residences of the 5,940 respondents to include landmarks of the covered 198 municipalities; and • Prepared analytical and survey reports that provided useful information and served as a basis in the planning of development programs for the target municipalities and in the preparation of needed policies and project proposals. The study also outlined the client or beneficiaries’ expectations and provided examples of where DSWD-KC goods and service delivery standards could be aligned with communities’ needs. |
Conduct of Project Management Training for Managers and Staff of the National and Regional Project Management Offices of the KALAHI-CIDSS Project | Millennium Challenge Account-Philippines | International Funding Agency | Training/Capacity Building | Social/Community Development/IP sector | Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of Social Service (KALAHI-CIDSS) is a community-driven development project implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development. Under KALAHI-CIDSS, communities and their Local Government Units (LGUs) are trained to choose, design and implement sub-projects that address their most pressing need. The purpose of 10-day 3 batches of training is to equip project managers and key technical staff of the KC NPMO and RPMOs with the necessary knowledge, skills, and aptitudes in managing project implementation, covering the five (5) basic Project Management Processes (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing) and nine (9) project management knowledge areas of (i) Project Integration Management, (ii) Project Scope Management, (iii) Project Time Management, (iv) Project Cost Management, (v) Project Quality Management, (vi) Project Human Resource Management, (vii) Project Communications Management, (viii) Project Risk Management, and (ix) Project Procurement Management. Objectives of PM training: 1. Designed training modules on Project Management based on review of existing project management processes; best practices in similar development project; and from the results of the Training Needs Assessment in close collaboration with the DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS; 2. Developed Project Management Training Manual and Training Plan; 3. Complete Preparatory work for the conduct of 3 batches of training 4. Conducted PM training workshop, with a maximum of 10 days per training batch 5. Developed post training project management evaluation system and tools. |
Consulting Services for Community Impact Monitoring and Evaluation: CD-FW-11-08 | Coffey International Development PTY LTD. | Private Contract | Monitoring and Evaluation/Research | Rural Insfrastructure/Transport | The Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF or the Facility) is a 5-year AUD $100 million initiative of the governments of the Philippines and Australia. It is funded with a grant from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The PRMF addresses poor conditions in provincial roads in seven provinces in Mindanao and the Visayas. The Facility strengthens institutional capacity within provincial governments to improve road sector planning, management and services required for a core network of provincial roads to be sustained in good condition. The expected long-term impact of the investment is increased economic growth and improved access to public infrastructure, services and employment in selected communities in the Southern Philippines. The purpose of the CIME is twofold: 1. To generate findings and lessons on community impact so that PRMF stakeholders, including participating provincial governments, can better understand the nature and value of the benefits to rural communities of the investment in the provincial road network; and 2. To strengthen the capacity of participating provincial governments and selected communities to monitor and evaluate road network development activities. |
Development of the Global Fund Round 11 Grant Proposal on HIV | UNAIDS | International Funding Agency | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Health | |
Preparation of Social Environmental Impact Statement for Jalaur River Multipurpose Project Stage II (JRMP II) | National Irrigation Administration Regional Office VI | Government Contract | Social/Environment Impact Assessment | Social/Community Development/IP sector | The Jalaur River Multi-Purpose Project Phase 2 (JRMP 02) is the first multipurpose project in the Visayas region. The Project is envisioned to provide: a) year-round irrigation water to an estimated 34,300 hectares of agricultural land that includes the rehabilitation of 22,340 hectares of service area covered by the five (5) existing irrigation systems in the province of Iloilo; b) generate about 11.5 Megawatts of hydro-electric power; and c) supplement the supply of water for domestic and industrial use for the four (4) nearby municipalities including Iloilo City. Jalaur River Multi-Purpose Project II is envisioned to augment agricultural production, stimulate agri-industrial activities, spur the local economy and the eco-tourism industry, increase employment opportunities and contribute to the overall development of Western Visayas. SDS Team Actual Services provided: 1. Recommended mitigating measures for the identified risks. 2. Presented to the Environment Management Bureau the results of the EIA and its 3. Review Committee Members. 4. Conducted survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) among stakeholders. 5. Designed resettlement framework 6. Conducted IP study 7. Conducted EGGAR 8. Conducted climate change study 9. Designed and implemented various information, education and communications activities to increase awareness and involvement of various stakeholders of JRMP 02. |
Watershed Management and Climate Change Study and Pre-Engineering Activities of Jalaur River Multipurpose Project Stage II (JRMP II) | National Irrigation Administration Regional Office VI | Government Contract | Feasibility Study/Management Plan | Environment/Renewable Energy Sector | |
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